Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are there laws that help to protect my child online?

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) 

a. The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) requires parental permission whenever a website or application collects personally identifiable information from children under age 13. b. By participating in Google Apps for Education and other educational platforms, student information may be collected and stored electronically and shared with the District. c. The District’s use of student information is for educational purposes only. d. For more information on COPPA compliance, see the Federal Trade Commission’s website at The privacy policies associated with use of Google Apps for Education are available here. Student Privacy Agreements for all educational platforms are posted within each educational website. Educational platforms are used to enhance student collaboration and skill-building. As a parent or legal guardian, if you do not grant permission for your student(s) to use any of the offered educational resources due to specifically cited privacy requirements, please contact administration.

2. As a parent/guardian, how do I monitor my child’s use of the internet?

Parents' Guide to Safe and Responsible Student Internet Use

Reek School recognizes that with new technologies come new challenges to both teachers and parents. Below is a series of suggestions drawn from a wide variety of professional sources that may aid you, the parent, in effectively guiding your child’s use of the Chromebook.

● Take extra steps to protect your child. Encourage your child to use and store the Chromebook in an open area of your home, such as the kitchen or family room, so you can monitor what your child is doing online. Use the Internet with your child to help develop safe surfing habits. Children often model adult behavior.

● Go where your child goes online. Monitor the places that your child visits. Let your child know that you're there, and help teach him or her how to act as he or she works and socializes online.

● Review your child's online friends list. You may want to limit your child's online "friends" to people your child actually knows in real life.

● Understand sites' privacy policies. Internet sites should spell out your rights to review and delete your child's information.

● Limit the time your student is on the Chromebook. While the Chromebook is a very engaging device, it is a school work device. Care and constant monitoring will reduce your child's exposure to excessive use.

● Report unwelcome or malicious online threats. Report immediately to the school any online interactions that can be considered threatening.

● Help your child develop a routine. Many parents have found success by helping create a routine for their child's computer use. Define a routine as to how the Chromebook is cared for and when and where its use is appropriate.

● Take a look at the apps or programs. It is to the advantage of the students, parents, and school that the parents have a working understanding of the programs and student work found on the Chromebook.

● Read and share with your child the Chromebook Student User Agreement and Parent Permission Form. By reading and discussing the care and use policies, you can create a clear set of expectations and limitations for your child.

● Talk with your child about online behavior, safety, and security early on and continually. Set rules for the internet just as you do on use of all media sources such as television, phones, movies, and music.

● Monitor your child's computer use. Know his or her passwords, profiles, and blogs. When the Chromebook is taken home by the student, it is strongly recommended that it will always be used in a common family location.

● Let children show you what they can do online and visit their favorite sites.

● Set limits and clear expectations for computer use.

● Look into safeguarding programs or options your online service provider may offer; these may include filtering capabilities.

● Reek School Chromebooks are filtered using GoGuardian.